Startup Telangana 2024: Registration and Login

In India, start-ups are not given enough financial and mentoring help. Both the federal and state governments conduct a variety of programs with this issue in mind to encourage new businesses to grow and aspiring entrepreneurs to launch their ventures. The Startup Telangana Telangana initiative was introduced by the Telangana government with the current situation … Read more

‎वन नेशन वन राशन कार्ड: आवेदन ऑनलाइन One Nation One Ration Card रजिस्ट्रेशन

आइये चर्चा करते है वन नेशन वन राशन कार्ड ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन और One Nation One Ration Card की लॉगिन प्रक्रिया और इसके लाभ, पात्रता व दस्तावेज़ के बारे में वन नेशन वन राशन कार्ड:- आज हम आपको वन नेशन वन राशन कार्ड योजना के बारे में जानकारी देने जा रहे हैं। एक देश एक राशन … Read more

Jnanabhumi Scholarship 2024- Online Registration | Check Status

Jnanabhumi Scholarship:- A new Scholarship portal has been launched for the better implementation of the education system in the Andhra Pradesh state. It has a main focus on the welfare of the Student’s education. The name of this scholarship portal is Jnanabhumi. Through this portal, people will be able to register for various kinds of … Read more